A personal exhibition by Angela Giordano
from 20 October 2020 to 27 June 2021
Tramando, the exhibition of Angela Giordano’s textile production, opened on Tuesday, 20 October 2020 at the Museo dell’Arte della Lana, Lanificio di Stia.
A fifty-year career in the world of textiles for a master of art and of life. For the last ten years, Angela Giordano has been in charge of classroom and workshop teaching at the Museo dell'Arte della Lana of Stia, as well as a teacher at the Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio. On occasion of this anniversary, the Stia museum is hosting a solo exhibition of her works, which range from clothing to decorating items and more. Among the techniques used by the artist, the tapestry is that which best defines her style.
Due to restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, the show was closed to the public and at the time of writing has not yet reopened, although it will be extended through 27 June 2021. It will certainly be worth the wait to bask in the abundance of love for art and for weaving that her works enclose, works that attest to and record moments of life lived, personal interactions, materials seen and recovered, and infinite passion and creativity.
A few of the works on show:
Tapestry to a painting by Alfio Rapisardi.
Dimensions: 1.50 m x 3 m
Techniques: embroidery, weaving, quilting
Year: 1981
Donated to the City of Prato; on exhibit at the Museo di Palazzo Pretorio, Prato.
By kind permission of the artist, Angela Giordano, for the exhibition.
MONDI A CONFRONTO, 1995 (left)
Techniques: weaving, canvas embroidery, creative stitching
MATERICO, 2020 (right)
Canvas embroidery
Terracotta: Mario Boldrini
Wooden ‘hanger’ from the island of Crete
Year: 1986
Inspired by the works of Futurist Giacomo Balla
Techniques: canvas embroidery and weaving
Year: 2020
Inspired by a painting by Robert Shackelford (artistic director of Harding University, Scandicci)
Techniques: canvas embroidery, macramé, quilting
We would like to share with you an interesting article by Francesco Benucci, published in Casentino2000, n. 325, dicembre 2020 , which presents a lavish, complete description of Angela Giordano’s art.
The exhibition has been extended through 30 June 2021.
+39 338.4184121 - 0575.582216