Scheduled courses
Our Art School teaches textile skills at every level, from the basic to the highly specialised, with study programs concentrating on both ancient and contemporary textiles. Training comprises theoretical lessons – identification, technical analysis, basic concepts – and practical aspects such as design, weaving, restoration and embroidering. Our annual course calendar is constantly being updated; we also plan customised courses to meet the training needs of public and private entities.
October 17, 2024

Bobbin lace. Recognition, Study and Cataloguing

The aim of the course is to offer tools to recognize, analyze and describe laces, through the observation of objects in various states of conservation, both ancient and contemporary. Teacher: Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols
October 24, 2024

Corso IFTS EcoDesigner - Tecnico Stilista Green per un abbigliamento sostenibile

Corso interamente gratuito, professionalizzante, di 990 ore, di cui 396 ore di stage in aziende del settore. Il Corso mira a formare figure tecniche in grado di presidiare a 360° il ciclo di vita del prodotto di abbigliamento, nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Finanziato con le risorse del Programma regionale FSE+ periodo 2021-2027, rientra nell’ambito di Giovanisì.
November 04, 2024

Plain cloth. Recognition, analysis and cataloguing 1

Course participants learn how to identify the constituent elements of woven textiles according to the methods proposed by the Centre International d’Etude des Textiles Anciens. Observation of historical samples in varying states of conservation, modern reconstructions and contemporary wovens.
November 07, 2024

Needlepoint lace. Recognition, study and cataloguing

The course offers to the students tools to be able to recognize, analyze and describe laces, by observation of objects in various states of conservation, antique and contemporary. Teacher: Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols
November 18, 2024

Basic weaving on the shaft loom 1 level

A course for learning the basics of weaving and how to weave ‘samplers’ on pre-prepared 4-to-8 heddle looms, to manage tensioning, shrinkage and shuttles, to repair broken threads and defects in the weave, to create impeccable selvedges.
November 26, 2024

Embroidery: the ‘punto Bargello’ technique

A basic course for learning the embroidery technique known as ‘punto Bargello’ or ‘flame stitch’. This eminently Florentine counted-thread technique, whose origins lie in the far-off 15th century, calls for upright flat stitches laid in an opportune mix of colour to create particular three-dimensional effects.
January 20, 2025

Plain cloth. Recognition, analysis and cataloguing 1 |ONLINE| English

Course participants learn how to identify the constituent elements of woven textiles according to the methods proposed by the Centre International d’Etude des Textiles Anciens. Observation of historical samples in varying states of conservation, modern reconstructions and contemporary wovens.