Courses archive
October 17, 2024

Bobbin lace. Recognition, Study and Cataloguing

The aim of the course is to offer tools to recognize, analyze and describe laces, through the observation of objects in various states of conservation, both ancient and contemporary. Teacher: Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols
September 16, 2024

Designing your dream bag

During the 4th days workshop, participants design and weave custom fabric for their personal creations on Lisio’s digital Jacquard loom. The workshop is open to weavers and designers.
August 31, 2024

Historical Tailoring, Costume for the Performing Arts 2024-2026

The two-year course offers complete training, structured in quarters, aimed at acquiring sartorial professionalism for measuring up to and communicating with the various professional figures of the performing arts and live shows.
July 01, 2024

Tapestry weaving - level 1

Notions of history, use and technique relating to tapestry-making.
May 23, 2024

Embroidery. Recognition of embroidery stitches and techniques | ONLINE |

Recognition of one-dimensional stitches in a continuous direction (running stitches) and back stitches; two-dimensional stitches, combined stitches; stitches creating fabrics; stitches for embroidering with sequins, beads and other materials.
May 13, 2024

Fabrics: Basic notions of conservation and restoration

Introduction to textiles conservation and basic notions of restoration.
To be scheduled

Figured panels handwoven on a digital jacquard loom

Practical course during which figured panels are designed and subsequently hand-woven on a digital Jacquard loom.
To be scheduled

VI edition Master I level "Textile - Creation of Art Fabrics" 2023/2024

1st level academic Master in Textiles – Creation of Art Fabrics: 1500 hours for learning to design and hand-produce precious fabrics. The course opens the way to collaborative working relationships in the ancient textiles restoration sector and in construction of costumes for the stage and film. The course foresees internships and apprenticeships at companies and at textile museums.
November 07, 2023 - Closed course

Storia delle materie coloranti e della tintura | also online

Il corso ha lo scopo di illustrare la storia e l’uso delle principali sostanze coloranti in Europa e nel Vicino Oriente su filati e tessuti nel periodo X – XX secolo. Si esploreranno, inoltre, i significati simbolici e antropologici delle colorazioni delle stoffe.
To be scheduled

Figured fabrics. Recognition, analysis and cataloguing 2 |ONLINE| English

Practical exercises on samples of ancient fabrics and 20th-century reproductions to learn a method of analysis of simple and complex weave structures using such analysis tools as the pick glass, digital microscope and macrophotography. Students are provided with samples and lecture notes.
To be scheduled

Corso di Qualifica "Operaio Moda" entrylevel - Iscrizioni aperte

Bando per corso gratuito di Qualifica Professionale come OPERAIO GENERICO NEL COMPARTO MODA (CORSO ENTRY LEVEL). Durata corso: 330 ore (di cui 165 ore di aula, 165 di stage) per max n.11 allievi.
To be scheduled

Corso di Qualifica "Operaio Moda" livello Intermedio - Iscrizioni aperte

Bando per corso gratuito di Qualifica Professionale come OPERAIO GENERICO NEL COMPARTO MODA (CORSO INTERMEDIO). Durata corso: 330 ore (di cui 165 ore di aula, 165 di stage) per max n.11 allievi.
To be scheduled

Laces in-depth study | ONLINE |

To be scheduled

V edition Master I level "Textile - Creation of Art Fabrics" 2022/2023

1st level academic Master in Textiles – Creation of Art Fabrics: 1500 hours for learning to design and hand-produce precious fabrics. The course opens the way to collaborative working relationships in the ancient textiles restoration sector and in construction of costumes for the stage and film. The course foresees internships and apprenticeships at companies and at textile museums.
To be scheduled

Plain cloth. Recognition, analysis and cataloguing 1 |ONLINE| Italian

Course participants learn how to identify the constituent elements of woven textiles according to the methods proposed by the Centre International d’Etude des Textiles Anciens. Observation of historical samples in varying states of conservation, modern reconstructions and contemporary wovens.
March 10, 2022 - Closed course

Corso IFTS "Fashion Designer 5.0"

Corso gratuito di Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore (IFTS) di 800 ore (di cui 530 ore di aula, 240 di stage e 30 ore accompagnamento) per 20 allievi. Bando approvato dalla Regione Toscana con decreto D.D. n. 11219 del 25/07/2017 Graduatoria approvata con decreto n.3672 del 20/02/2018. Codice progetto: 193535
November 22, 2021 - Closed course

Laboratorio Sartoriale "Medioevo" - Allegoria del Buon Governo di Lorenzetti

Obiettivo del corso è insegnare l'arte della sartoria, guidando gli allievi a creare abiti storici attraverso lo studio della storia del costume e del taglio storico. Lezioni pratiche durante le quali gli allievi affineranno le loro conoscenze sulle tecniche sartoriali indispensabili per una corretta pratica del mestiere.
To be scheduled

History of Embroidery in Italy between the Middle Ages and the 19th century | ONLINE

October 04, 2021 - Closed course

IV edition Master I level "Textile - Creation of Art Fabrics" 2021/2022

1st level academic Master in Textiles – Creation of Art Fabrics: 1500 hours for learning to design and hand-produce precious fabrics. The course opens the way to collaborative working relationships in the ancient textiles restoration sector and in construction of costumes for the stage and film. The course foresees internships and apprenticeships at companies and at textile museums.
To be scheduled

Historical Tailoring, Costume for the Performing Arts 2021-2023

The two-year course offers complete training, structured in quarters, aimed at acquiring sartorial professionalism for measuring up to and communicating with the various professional figures of the performing arts and live shows.
To be scheduled

The 2021 Summer School “The lady in red”

To be scheduled

Basic level Needlepoint Lace

June 28, 2021 - Closed course

Shibori technique for wearable art

The course covers traditional Shibori techniques for tie-dye, stitch-dye, fold-dye, pole wrap-dye, etc. as well as three-dimensional effects, appropriate for creation of garments having great impact and artistic interest.
To be scheduled

Tapestry History

To be scheduled

History of Textiles 2. Textile decoration from the Baroque era to the Empire period

Individual module of "Historical Tailoring, Costume and Performing". The course aim is to illustrate not only the ways in which a decorative theme which has characterised textile production through the ages – that is, flowers and plant motifs – has assumed different meanings in different historical eras but also how taste and the idea of ‘fashion’ have evolved through the centuries. A vast iconographic repertoire of slides is projected, church vestments and paraments and textile fragments from the Fondazione Lisio historic archives are presented.
To be scheduled

History of Costume and Fashion 2: Evolution from the XVI sec. to the French Revolution

The course traces the evolution of the various types of clothing in use from ancient times through the Renaissance and focuses, besides on the stylistic peculiarities of each era, on the specific uses to which wool, leathers and silk were put and the significance acquired by each material over history.
To be scheduled

Carpet. Basic notions of conservation and restoration 2

Application of integrative restoration techniques to a small fragment: replacement of broken warps, reweaving of the wefts and knotting.
To be scheduled

Tapestry. Basic notions of conservation and restoration 2

Application of integrative restoration techniques to a small fragment: replacement of broken warps and reweaving in colour and in selected areas.
To be scheduled

History of Textiles 1. Textile decoration from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

Individual module of "Historical Tailoring, Costume and Performing". The course aim is to illustrate not only the ways in which a decorative theme which has characterised textile production through the ages – that is, flowers and plant motifs – has assumed different meanings in different historical eras but also how taste and the idea of ‘fashion’ have evolved through the centuries. A vast iconographic repertoire of slides is projected, church vestments and paraments and textile fragments from the Fondazione Lisio historic archives are presented.
To be scheduled

History of Costume and Fashion 1: Evolution from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

The course traces the evolution of the various types of clothing in use from ancient times through the Renaissance and focuses, besides on the stylistic peculiarities of each era, on the specific uses to which wool, leathers and silk were put and the significance acquired by each material over history.
To be scheduled

Italian Folk Weaving

The lessons review the techniques and styles typical of several regions of Italy - Tuscany, Lombardy, Umbria, Sicily, Sardinia - from the thread to the finished fabric.
To be scheduled

Tapestry. Basic notions of conservation and restoration 1

Introduction to tapestry conservation and basic notions of restoration.
To be scheduled

Carpet weaving - level 2

Advanced level: each student designs a small carpet, draws the cartoon, and then handweaves his/her work.
To be scheduled

Tapestry weaving - level 2

Advanced level: each student designs a small tapestry, draws the cartoon, and then handweaves his/her work.
To be scheduled

Carpet weaving - level 1

Notions of history, use and technique relating to carpet-making. Course I: Basic level
October 26, 2019 - Closed course

Corso fuorisede | Riconoscere le tecniche seriche storiche per una attribuzione di base

To be scheduled

Carpet. Basic notion of conservation and restoration 1

Introduction to rug and carpet conservation: basic notions concerning cleaning and correct maintenance.
To be scheduled

Corso di Qualifica "Addetto alla Lavorazione Tessile" 2019

Bando per corso gratuito di Qualifica Professionale per ADDETTO ALLA LAVORAZIONE TESSILE specializzato nel controllo Qualità. Durata corso: 900 ORE (di cui 470 ore di aula, 400 di STAGE, 30 di orientamento) per n.12 allievi. Scadenza domande 21 giugno 2019.
To be scheduled

Gold embroidery: couching stitch

A practical first-level course for learning the ancient art of gold embroidery, for creating jewels with needle and thread.
To be scheduled

Corso IFTS "Stilista 4.0" 2018

Corso gratuito di Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore (IFTS) di 800 ore (di cui 530 ore di aula, 240 di stage e 30 ore accompagnamento) per 20 allievi. Bando approvato dalla Regione Toscana con decreto D.D. n. 11219 del 25/07/2017 Graduatoria approvata con decreto n.3672 del 20/02/2018. Codice progetto: 193535
To be scheduled

Gold embroidery: purl thread

A practical first-level course for learning the ancient art of gold embroidery, for creating jewels with needle and thread.
May 21, 2018 - Closed course

Introduction to Raised Embroidery - Stumpwork

Basic course to learn Stumpwork embroidery: to work padding, applied fabrics (appliqué) and needlelace, as well as a few raised and surface embroidery stitches.