Events and Textile Culture
Sharing and promotion of textile culture have always been fundamental tenets of the Fondazione Lisio mission. In this section, we are pleased to be able to share events, new publications, and the experiences of our teachers, experts and students. We are always open to supporting new ideas and contributions to illustrating textile culture.
August 26, 2024

In memory of dott. Davide Filippelli

July 31, 2024

"Jacquard" issue n.93 is out!

May 11, 2024

Macramè and Weaving Workshops - Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano

In occasione della mostra “Piero della Francesca. Il polittico agostiniano riunito” si terranno laboratori dedicati alla tessitura per scoprire più da vicino uno dei maggiori protagonisti della pittura dell’artista: il tessuto.
May 10, 2024

"Dialoghi in seta" - SETA. Palazzo Moroni, Bergamo

Dal 10 al 26 maggio 2024 gli ambienti del piano nobile di Palazzo Moroni ospitano la mostra "Dialoghi in seta": dieci preziosi frammenti di sete antiche, realizzate tra il XVI e XX secolo, provenienti dalla collezione di tessuti antichi della Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio.
April 26, 2024

Conferenza presso Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro di Firenze 2024

February 01, 2024

The interpretation of the clothing in the ‘Stendardo di Orzinuovi’

The Stendardo di Orzinuovi, created in 1514 by Vincenzo Foppa, provides us with an authentic image of fashion in Lombardy in the first decade of the 16th century, an example of how clothing, in both the Milan and Bergamo-Brescia area, was still influenced by a style typical of the late 15th century.
January 10, 2024

Solo Exhibition “VESTIS” by Afran

The Medici Museum of Florence, in collaboration with the Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio, presents the solo exhibition of Afran, a contemporary artist who works with textile materials and paints their stylistic and aesthetic characteristics, curated by Matteo Chincarini.
December 23, 2023

Office Closure for Holiday Season

On the occasion of holiday season, we inform you that our offices will be closed from the 23 December 2023 to the 7 January 2024.
December 14, 2023

Seta. Luoghi e archivi dell’arte serica: il 14 dicembre la mostra biellese

Collocata nel Lanificio Maurizio Sella, nell’ala costruita alla fine del Seicento come filatoio di seta dal Santuario di Oropa, la mostra rappresenta un viaggio nelle geografie della seta attraverso documenti, immagini e oggetti provenienti dagli archivi di enti e imprese che ne conservano l’affascinante storia.
December 01, 2023

Practical Basic Workshops Nov-Dec 2023

Practical weaving and creativity workshops for all.
September 15, 2023

Materia e Virtuosismo: Galleria dell’Artigianato showcases Tuscan artisans

Materia e Virtuosismo is the name of the collective show presented at the 29th edition of Florence’s high craftsmanship fair, Artigianato e Palazzo. From September 15 to 17 in the sublime setting in the Corsini Gardens, 25 Tuscany-based artisan companies display the inspiring creations of their wide-ranging ingenuity.
July 14, 2023

“Mio caro Peppino..." Giuseppe Lisio 1870-1943

Roccamontepiano ricorda Giuseppe Lisio nell'80° anniversario della scomparsa del "tessitore di ogni colore", l'evento nasce in collaborazione tra il Comune di Roccamontepiano, la Fondazione Arte della Seta "Lisio" di Firenze, la Pro-loco Tegea Chieti e il pieno sostegno del GAL Maiella Verde, venerdì 14 luglio 2023, alle ore 18.30, presso il museo "Giuseppe Lisio" di Piazza Terranova a Roccamontepiano (Ch), si è svolto il convegno, una performance artistica ed una esposizione, in occasione dell'ottantesimo anniversario della scomparsa di "Mastro Lisio".
June 24, 2023

Il Dittico Rossiniano | Teatro della Pergola

Saturday 24th June 2023 hour 6pm | Sunday 25th June 2023 5pm Hall“Paolo Poli”, Teatro della Pergola, Firenze
June 09, 2023

Chieri-Firenze Knot

Esito della sinergia avviata nel 2021 con la “Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio” di Firenze, il Progetto “Nodo Chieri – Firenze” sarà protagonista a Chieri nella “Notte degli Archivi”, in agenda per “Archivissima”, che vede anche quest’anno l’adesione della “Fondazione Chierese per il Tessile e per il Museo del Tessile”. L’appuntamento è per venerdì 9 giugno, dalle 18 alle 21, presso la Sala-Studio dell’Archivio Storico Chierese” (in via Giovanni De Maria, 10) che verrà aperta liberamente al pubblico per la visione di un “disegno particolare” del Fondo “Serra e Carli” e dei “campioni di velluto” che ne restituiscono il motivo in forma di tessuto grazie al sapiente lavoro della prestigiosa manifattura fiorentina.
May 11, 2023

InTessuti di Storia - serata a Legnano

The Palio of Legnano offers a glamorous evening with the event "InTessuti di storia" which took place on the evening of Thursday 11 May in the prestigious Dolce & Gabbana headquarters in Legnano, with fabrics from the Lisio Foundation in exhibition.
March 25, 2023

YouNique – Fine Craft Art & Design 2023

The fourth edition of YouNique will take place on 25 and 26 March, hosted as always in the splendid neoclassical Villa Ciani, in the heart of Lugano.
October 22, 2022

APRITIMODA 2022: alla scoperta del saper fare italiano

On Saturday 23th and Sunday 24th October 2021, ApritiModa will open one hundred doors, from the north to the south of the country. A trip through Italy aimed at discovering, experiencing and falling in love with the great names that represent us in the world and with the artisanal realities that, just here, exist and resist.
October 12, 2022

Il Premio Columbus 2022 per l'Arte alla Fondazione Lisio

September 30, 2022

Riproduzione tessile e sartoriale dello Stendardo di Orzinuovi

Dal 30 settembre a Marzo 2023, alla Rocca di San Giorgio in Orzinuovi la mostra “Vincenzo Foppa. Lo Stendardo di Orzinuovi”. Integrano la mostra il pannello decorativo e di abiti realizzati dalla Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio di Firenze, che riproducono fedelmente modelli del XVI secolo, rappresentati nel dipinto dal Foppa.
July 22, 2022

La collaborazione con il Conservatorio Cherubini: "Mozart. Le Nozze di Figaro, Villa Favard"

June 19, 2022

La collaborazione con la Fondazione Zeffirelli. Antigone,

June 17, 2022


April 20, 2022

Penko for Lisio Foundation: the "Dolce Firenze" jewels

April 09, 2022

Mostra “Il Capitano del Popolo” di Orvieto

Un percorso storico, artistico e fotografico dedicato al Capitano del Popolo del Corteo Storico di Orvieto.
April 01, 2022

Firenze Home TexStyle 2022

FIRENZE HOME TEXSTYLE is the only international fair in Italy dedicated to home, marine, SPA, contract & hotel textiles. The fourth edition will take place from 1st to 4th April 2022 at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence.
March 26, 2022

YouNique – Fine Craft Art & Design 2022

YouNique – Fine Craft Art & Design is an intimate and exclusive event that presents a world of high craftsmanship in all its artistic aspects. In the neoclassical setting of the rooms of Villa Ciani, a charming nineteenth-century dwelling overlooking Lake Ceresio at Lugano, the occasion is a byword for the exclusivity of the handmade, an emblematic illustration of art blending with craftsmanship, and a showcase for artisans passionately striving to create unique pieces.
March 10, 2022


January 10, 2022

Medicea Maniera - moda a Firenze, XV - XVII secolo

On the occasion of Pitti 2022, Museo de' Medici presented an exhibition conceived and carried out by Matteo Chincarini to illustrate and describe significant aspects of excellence in fashion from the 15th to the 17th century, periods in which the Medici family wrote capital pages of history and culture.
January 10, 2022

Studio e Ricerca | Il “Ritratto del cavaliere Pietro Secco Suardo”

November 18, 2021

Conferenza | Gli aspetti vestimentari nell’allegoria del Buon Governo e Cattivo Governo di Ambrogio Lorenzetti

Nel Palazzo Pubblico di Siena troviamo un manifesto politico tanto agognato e desiderato dall’uomo medievale, un programma iconografico rappresentazione verosimile di quanto l'opposizione drammatica tra la ricerca del bene proprio e la tensione al bene comune, siano il contraltare della mancata convivenza armonica.
November 09, 2021

Conferenza | La moda del Trecento a Siena e in Toscana

Appuntamento con l'esperta Roberta Orsi Landini dedicato al tema della moda nel Trecento in Toscana. Dagli affreschi diAmbrogio Lorenzetti a Siena alla nascita della "moda giovane" e ai presupposti che porteranno alla netta diversificazione fra l’abbigliamento maschile e quello femminile.
October 23, 2021

APRITIMODA: alla scoperta del saper fare italiano

Sabato 23 e domenica 24 ottobre un viaggio negli atelier di brand famosi e laboratori dell’eccellenza artigianale. Oltre 80 appuntamenti dedicati all’Italia del bello e ben fatto. Da oggi al via le prenotazioni su
October 14, 2021

Seminar | The Human Drama. Theatrical Costume in the Footsteps of Ancient Dress.

In the 20th and (thus far in the) 21st century, classical theatre performances multiplied throughout the world. The seminar will focus on case studies linked to classical tragedy to point up how directors’ choices and interpretations attribute meanings and functions to costume.
September 30, 2021

Studio e Ricerca | MORONI E LA MODA

August 06, 2021

Study and Research | Vestimentary analysis of the Palazzo Acaja frescoes

July 24, 2021

Conferenza: Calza a pennello! Moroni e la moda

July 06, 2021

60' Conference | XVI-XVII sec: The evolution of clothing throught the Florentine works of art

Through numerous examples of works of art preserved in the Florence Museums, will be illustrated the models of the most significant clothes of the periods treated, both for men and women. The conference lasts one hour. Conference in double available dates, one for English language, one for Italian language.
June 10, 2021

Uno sguardo sulla moda del primo Settecento nel Ritratto di giovane gentiluomo di Fra’ Galgario

June 08, 2021

60' Conferences | XIV-XV sec: The evolution of clothing throught the Florentine works of art

Through numerous examples of works of art preserved in the Florence Museums, will be illustrated the models of the most significant clothes of the periods treated, both for men and women. The conference lasts one hour.
January 21, 2021

Celebrating Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio’s 50 Years with a Limited Edition Bronze Medal

1971-2021. Fondazione Lisio’s ‘Golden Anniversary’. A true covenant of love for fabrics in silk and gold and silver and the unique art of weaving them, by hand, with a master’s touch. An arrangement that has endured unaltered for fifty years and which, today, merits celebration in an equally lasting manner, with a splendid commemorative medal that can double as a good luck charm as we face the difficult challenges of tomorrow.
December 17, 2020

Conferenza 60'| Fiori e frutti: armonici linguaggi nelle trasposizioni tessili

Secondo di due appuntamenti, pone l’attenzione su una selezione di fiori e frutti indicati nelle realizzazioni tessili e negli arazzi, tra paesaggi storici e ambientazioni sospese. Agli effetti scenografici e ai dettagliati virtuosismi tecnici si mescolano simbologie legate a antichi saperi e a memorie storiche.
December 10, 2020

Conferenza 60'| Orti e giardini: armonici linguaggi nelle trasposizioni tessili

Prima conferenza di due, evidenzia alcuni elementi riconducibili a giardini e orti come infinita “essenza” dell’umano sapere, identità di microcosmi che ci comunicano messaggi simbolici fonte d’ispirazione di arazzi e tessuti.
November 30, 2020

Seminar | Ave Cesare! Vestire Roma tra Teatro e Cinema

November 20, 2020

Tramando, a personal exhibition by Angela Giordano

Crowning a 50-year career and as she turns 70, a personal exhibition by Maestra Angela Giordano, master of art and of life, at the Museo dell'Arte della Lana of Stia. Here are a few glimpses, while we await reopening. The exhibition will remain in Stia until 27 June 2021.
October 24, 2020

APRITIMODA: alla scoperta del saper fare italiano

I brand più famosi e i laboratori dell’eccellenza artigianale aprono le porte per svelare i segreti delle creazioni simbolo del made in Italy. Il 24 e 25 ottobre per conoscere l’Italia più bella che c’è.
October 11, 2020

Arte e musica al Castello Secco Suardo. Conversation Piece 4.

Appuntamento l' 11 ottobre alle ore 17, presso il Castello Secco Suardo di Lurano (Bergamo), per la quarta edizione di Conversation Piece. L’edizione 2020, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio di Firenze, prenderà in esame un curioso quanto interessante documento d’archivio della Famiglia Secco Suardo.
October 01, 2020

Seminar | Theatrical Costuming for the Baroque Opera Seria

The seminar objective is to illustrate how the concept of ‘ancient dress’ and the so-called ‘Roman tunic’ evolved into the complex theatrical costumes created for the Opera Seria of the last years of the 17th and the early years of the 18th century.
September 02, 2020

Brocades Arte della Seta Lisio Foundation for Dolce&Gabbana

Florentine Artisans and their extraordinary pieces protagonists of Dolce&Gabbana special event: ‘The Renaissance and Rebirth’.From Fatto a Mano to Made in Italy excellence, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana pay homage to the city of the Renaissance and Tuscany in their Alta Gioielleria, Alta Sartoria and Alta Moda creations. 
August 07, 2020

Excellence in Education

Con orgoglio e tanta dedizione portiamo avanti la nostra attività di formazione delle giovani generazioni nel settore del tessile. Come realtà formativa siamo orgogliosi di esser presenti su della Fondazione Cologni: un portale per raccontare, rappresentare e celebrare gli istituti italiani dove studiano e si applicano gli artigiani di domani.
July 16, 2020

Seminar | Egyptomania in the Musical Theater from Neoclassicism to modernity

July 02, 2020

Seminar | Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides and the origins of Greek theater costume

June 20, 2020

Focus and News | Online presentation of costume designers and experts of the course "Historical Tailoring, Costume and Performing"

June 08, 2020

NUME - VI CICLO DI STUDI MEDIEVALI,Conference Proceedings - The Lisio Foundation's panel

June 06, 2020

Animalia. La raffigurazione medievale del creato nel Palio di Legnano

Gli intrecci tra l’immaginario medievale, la storia, la creatività, i tessuti del Palio di Legnano.
June 06, 2020

Online Seminar | Annamaria Heinreich talks about making costumes for the performing arts

A day with costume designer Annamaria Heinreich, the story of her profession and the main steps for creating a costume for the performing arts. The seminar will provide a concrete demonstration of the procedure for creating a costume for the performing arts, starting from the choice of a specific text from a well-defined period.
May 06, 2020

Fidalma Lisio and the Art of Silk

A combative woman with a firm will to preserve and hand down the Art of Silk. A "mission" that brought the Giuseppe Lisio's manufactory in the 3rd Millennium.
April 03, 2020

Mastro Lisio: a life devoted to the Art of Silk

For those interested in the history and life of the enterprising Abruzzese who made it possible to hand down the Art of Hand Weaving silk, and therefore of our institution, here’s an interesting article by Paola Marabelli published in the catalogue of the exhibition "Mastro Lisio: a life devoted to the Art of Silk", Chieti 1998.
March 03, 2020

Consultants for the Palio di Legnano Costume Commission

A new scientific collaboration with the Permanent Costume Commission of the renowned Palio di Legnano. The aim of the Commission is to guarantee and verify the historical and stylistic relevance of the costumes, weapons, and footwear, as well as the accessories and jewellery used by the Contrade (districts) for the historical parade and ritual ceremonies.
January 25, 2020

Seminar | "The evolution of precious fabrics from the Baroque era to the Empire period: technical and stylistic characteristics"

Second of a couple of seminars addressed to the evolution of various decorative types used in textiles – flower and plant motifs and their meanings – from Baroque era to the Empire period, as well as the development of taste and the idea of ‘fashion’ in clothing and furnishings.
January 23, 2020

Istruzione, Formazione, Lavoro. Tre nodi di una rete di successo

December 13, 2019

In Cosimo's palace. The Simbols of Power

November 23, 2019

Seminar | "Words of Fire: Mary Magdalene and Saint Catherine of Alexandria in 14th- to 18th-century iconography"

October 12, 2019

Seminar | "The evolution of precious fabrics from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: technical and stylistic characteristics"

First of a couple of seminars addressed to the evolution of various decorative types used in textiles – flower and plant motifs and their meanings – from late medieval times to the Renaissance, as well as the development of taste and the idea of ‘fashion’ in clothing and furnishings.
October 04, 2019

Di Stoffa in Stoffa - evento finale Master "Textile"

September 14, 2019

Seminar | "Bags and purses, the aesthetic-symbolic evolution from 1795 to the present"

The seminar introduces to one of the most adaptable and functional forms of container, the bag has always played a fundamental role in the economy of labour and commerce. Together, we will be looking at how women’s bags have evolved from the late 1700s through today and exploring the value of the bag from the commercial and communicative points of view, as well as some of the names which have made the women’s handbag their strong point.
July 05, 2019

Fondazione Lisio at the Federicus 2019, Altamura (duplicate)

May 09, 2019

Free Guided Tour | for Jacquard magazine subscribers

A free guided tour of the manufacture is offer to all "Jacquard" magazine's Subscribers. During the tour, our experts will guide demonstrations of velvets and brocades being woven by 19th century Jacquard hand-looms.
April 20, 2019

Fondazione Lisio at the Federicus 2019, Altamura

March 02, 2019

Seminar | "15th-century clothing and fashions"

Renaissance. A word that evokes an entire world of art, science, culture, innovations. Together, we will see how clothing transformed through the period and how it succeeded in expressing the new needs of the men and women of the time.
January 26, 2019

Lecture on the "Historical tailoring"| @Fondazione Ratti

December 12, 2018

Preciously Paris X Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio

The One Off Collection. From exquisite fabrics by the Fondazione Arte Della Seta Lisio Firenze to the embroidery adorning these precious pieces: this is the DNA of Preciously Paris.
December 08, 2018

Seminar: 'The wardrobe of the Infant Jesus’

In depictions of the Holy Child, clothing and drapery are of great importance for understanding the full significance of the images, their iconography and symbolism, and even the identity of the patrons and the dates of the works.
October 13, 2018

Open Day "Historical tailoring for pegeant and performance" (duplicate)

October 12, 2018

FaceWeft a creation of Art fabrics

September 22, 2018

Seminar : Headwear from the 1800s to the 1990s

The last study day devoted to analysis of headwear examines its fortunes and misfortunes in a period closer to our own: the 19th and 20th century.
September 15, 2018

Fabrics for wall coverings

Seminar will explain the different steps needed for wallcovering using textiles.
June 25, 2018

Study Day | Indian Weaving

A study day discovering the textile traditions of Varanasi (Benares) and the Indian draw-loom, progenitor of the punch-card and computer-controlled looms.
May 19, 2018

Webinar |Toolbox for the late Renaissance Scandinavian costume guidelines

A sequence of 2 online lectures meant to widen the knowledge of the Scandinavian historical textile and clothing system, will be drafted around the identity and the historical value of the collections present in Stockholm Royal Armory archive.
May 12, 2018

Webinar | The wardrobe of the Swedish royal house

A sequence of 2 online lectures meant to widen the knowledge of the Scandinavian historical textile and clothing system, about codes and variations in late Renaissance and early Baroque age.
February 24, 2018

Seminar : Headwear at Court from 16th Century to the Napoleonic Age”

January 25, 2018

Textile Commodities Course for Brioni Roman Style

A course in textile identification, customised for young employees of Italy’s famous men’s haute couture fashion house, has recently concluded.
April 04, 2017

Hand-weaving in India

Eva Basile’s trip to visit the weavers of Varanasi, the craftspeople who embroider saris who pin and weave precious pashmina of unequalled quality.