The model selected by the client was a reticulated caul inspired by the bust, in marble with applied coloured waxes, of Isabella of Aragon (or Ippolita Maria Sforza) by Francesco Laurana (1430-1502), dated to 1487-1488 and held by the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna.
Hand-weaving of the galloons, above all for this type of head covering, would have ensured a finished product as closely as possible aligned with the original and would have permitted selection and use of a thread that resembled Laurana’s sculptural image.
Among the various difficulties encountered during production was that connected with the type of metallic thread, which due to its intrinsic characteristics tends to break the warp during weaving. For this reason, it was necessary to proceed with controlled-speed weaving and pay constant attention to the overlapping of the weave.
Commissioned of the Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio by a private client.
The work was created by Dr. Simona Lombardi.
Intended use: Historic re-enactments.
Hand woven, twill weave.
The net was constructed on a paper pattern base.

The hairnet was created with a galloon woven on a 4-shaft hand loom; length 6 metres, width 1 cm.
Warp in brown cotton.
Weft in gilded metallic thread.

The front band is a galloon woven on a 4-shaft hand loom; length 60 cm, width 3 cm.
Warp in brown cotton.
Weft in gilded metallic thread.