Jacquard N°91-92 uscita doppia
1st and 2nd issues of the year 2023, January-December
This double issue opens with a feature on the stage costumes of Boris Godunov by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, which opened the 22/23 opera season at Milan’s Teatro alla Scala, carrying on with a documentation preserved in the Archive of the Visconti di Modrone family with an interesting insight into the issues surrounding the sets, sketches, costumes and stage accessories, and thus the economic and legal aspects of the productions.
The Fondazione Lisio has been involved in a two-part weaving and historical tailoring project to set up a section of the exhibition dedicated to the “Stendardo di Orzinuovi”, a work by Vincenzo Foppa from 1514. A methodology used to reproduce and re-evoke the past, involving an analysis as always, of the clothing from that period outlined in the third article.
This is followed by a highly relevant topic concerning sustainable fashion and the use of natural fibres such as hemp. Still on the subject of “tapestries”, we move on to a project implemented by the Fondazione Lisio for the Château de Suscinio in France with the creation of a “succo d’erba” painted tapestry inspired, in this case, by a “millefleurs” tapestry, destined for an eye-catching display in one of the rooms of the chateau. For the column L’artista si racconta, Illary Bottini presents her work, while the Fondazione Lisio’s experience in the field of textile training and research is showcased in the relationship forged over the years with the University of Oregon through a highly specialised course.
Lastly, we remember two specialists in ancient textile arts who have sadly passed away: Maria Daniela Lunghi and Doretta Davanzo Poli.

Acquista Jacquard N°91-92 uscita doppia
1st and 2nd issues of the year 2023, January-December
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